Providing a holistic lifestyle approach


Sunday, May 12, 2019

How To Effectively Warm Up

Hopping as a warm up exercise

Warm up is a session which takes place before doing physical activity. It consist of cardiovascular exercises along with stretches which are designed to increase circulation, bring the heart rate up and increase the body temperature while stretching helps to warm the muscles and make them ready for the movements that will be required to carry out during the activity. The most important reason for doing a warm up is to decrease the chance of suffering an injury during exercise. Most of the warm up sessions are held between 20 to 30 minutes which is enough to get ready for the physical activity and makes the player mentally ready.

The Best Way to Warm Up

The best way of warm up is to never start with static stretches, as they require little movement of the body. Dynamic warm ups are the best as they engage more muscles and get the heart pumping. Light aerobic exercise should be done for five to ten minutes. Warm ups should be adjusted according to the exercises a person will be doing during his workout.

Some great warm up exercises include the following:

Jogging On The Spot
Jogging on the spot is a great way to get your heart pumping and blood flowing. It engages all the muscles in your body and will help in bringing oxygen into your lungs. Always remember to breathe steadily while performing this exercise.

Hopping On The Spot
Hopping is a more intense warm up exercise than jogging. It also effectively gets your heart pumping. You may feel out of breath quickly when you first start hopping, but slowly your body will adjust to the movement and regulate your breath, so you will then be able to hop for longer periods of time before becoming out of breath.

High Kicks
High kicks are a great way to get blood flowing in the legs and also help increase your range of mobility. Try performing 20 kicks on each leg to start with. With each kick, remember to engage your muscles and stretch your leg out as much as possible.

Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks are a high intensity warm up exercise that engages all muscles in the body. Remember to stretch your arms and legs out as much as possible with each jumping jack, and don’t forget to breath in and out. Start with 15 jumping jacks, and increase as you become more comfortable with the exercise.

Benefits Of Warm Up

While it may seem too tiring to warm up before each work out or training session, there are many reasons why it is necessary to do it. Below are just a few benefits of warming up.

Increased Body Temperature:
The temperature is increased within the muscles they are used during a warm up. A warmed up muscle contracts more forcefully and relaxes more quickly.

Increased Blood Temperature:
The temperature of blood is increased more quickly as it travels through the muscles. The increase in the blood temperature weakens the bind of oxygen with the hemoglobin so the oxygen is available more available to working muscles.

Improved Joint Range of Motion:
This increases the range of motion around the joint.

Hormonal Changes:
During warm up body increases its production of certain hormones which are responsible for the production of regulating energy. This balance of hormones makes more fatty acids and carbohydrates available for energy production.

Mental Preparation:
The warm up is a good time for clearing mind, reviewing skills and strategy and increasing the focus.

Which warm up exercises do you preform before a training session? Comment below!

Cardio Exercises To Try At Home

Jumping jacks cardio exercise to try at home

Doing your cardio practicing at home is an appealing alternative, offering comfort just as an approach to set aside extra cash and time. Fortunately, a great cardio exercise doesn't need to require a huge amount of space or machines and with a little imagination you can assemble a wellness routine with a wide scope of compelling cardio practices that will tone muscle, consume calories, and help you get thinner. The following are some home cardio practices you can do whenever.

Jumping Jacks:
In this exercise you bounce your feet wide while revolving around the arms overhead, and repeating it. It burns about 100 calories in 10 minutes and their is no fancy equipment required for it. You can easily do it by a good pair of shoes and a conditioned heart.

Jumping Rope:
Turning a rope with handles more than once while hopping over it. It's a great cardio exercise, these ropes are inexpensive and are easily taken with you anywhere and can be used anywhere which have space. It requires good shoes, a lot of patience and practice to master it.

Jogging In Place:
In this exercise you jog in a stationary position. This helps warm up your body and prepare your body for a more hardcore exercise. Start by jogging on the spot for one minute, and slowly increase the time as you get more practiced with it. Focus on keeping your breathing normalized as you jog.

In this exercise, first of all you squat to the floor the jump your feet in a plank position, and then you jump and stand up. It is a killer cardio exercise and burn up to 100 or more calories in 10 minutes. This can be very effective if you can do it up to 10 minutes.

Squat Jumping:
Move your body in a squat position and then jump as high as you can and then land into a squat. Squat jumping will increase heart rate, remove fats and most of all it will strengthen your legs. In order to perform this exercise effectively your legs should be in working condition.

Staircase Exercise:
Going up and down the stairs is an excellent cardio exercise. A staircase can also be used for a variety of other exercises like jumping rope, jogging in place etc.…  This can also make this exercises more effective. In a high intensity training you can run the stairs as fast as you can and come back and keep doing it for 10 minutes.

Do you practice any cardio exercises? Which exercise is your favorite during a cardio work out? Comment below!

Is A Personal Trainer Right For You?

Personal trainers motivate and keep you on target for your fitness goals

When you first start training at the gym, it may seem like a very confusing situation. There is so much equipment that is used for different purposes, exercises that target specific muscle groups, and on top of that you have no idea of the other requirements that come along with effective training.

Enter a personal trainer. Personal trainers are qualified individuals who help you achieve your fitness goals, by developing a work out plan that is right for you, making sure you stay on track, and helping you stay motivated. There are a lot of benefits of hiring a personal trainer, yet some people do not feel that a personal trainer is right for them.

This is because some people feel that they are not training “intensely” enough to require a personal trainer, others believe that all the information they can get from a personal trainer are also available online for free, and others simply can’t justify spending that amount for their health. However, there are several benefits of hiring a personal trainer in certain situations, that can lead to even greater gains and overall well-being. Here are just some of those benefits.

Personalized Training Plan
A Personal Trainer will be able to tailor your training plan to suit you and what you enjoy, as well as encourage you to do the exercises that are best to achieve your goals. Moreover, a personal trainer will take into account your personal capabilities, restrictions (e.g. is you have any injury), and goals, and will find the best exercises for you accordingly. They make sure that you are following a routine that works for you; there is no generalization in it. At the same time, they will find exercises that you enjoy doing, and mix it up with some more challenging exercises that are necessary for your gains. In this way, you will get the right training plan for you.

Work Around Your Schedule
With a personal trainer, you will not feel the need to compromise on your daily routine in order to get your exercise in. Personal trainers understand that different people have different availabilities, and so they will tailor their job timings in order to accommodate your schedule. So, whether the only time you have available to train is at a ridiculously early hour before work, or on your lunch break, or mid-afternoon before the kids come home from school, you are sure to find a personal trainer who is available at that timing.

Keep You Motivated
Not only do personal trainers create a work out routine for you, but they also make sure that you remain driven and motivated to follow through it, at all times! So on days where you are not feeling up for it, or feel demotivated by your progress, you can count on your personal trainer to bring your motivation levels back up. This also is great as it prevents you from slacking off; personal trainers will surely hold you accountable for all of your fitness goals, ensuring that you stay on target.

Clearly, there are several ways that a personal trainer can help you. Once again, it depends on the level of dedication that you have towards your training routine that will ultimately determine whether you are willing to invest in a personal trainer. If you are indeed dedicated, then the pay off of hiring a personal trainer will surely be worth it!

Have you ever considered hiring a personal trainer? Comment below!

Sleeping For Physical And Mental Fitness

When it comes to holistic fitness, it is important to take a look at our health and well-being from an overall perspective. This means how we exercise, how we eat, how we think, and even how we sleep plays a vital role in ensuring that our mind and body is in good shape.

While it is an everyday activity for us, many people take sleeping for granted. In fact, according to research, a large population of the world is considered sleep deprived. This means that they are not getting the daily recommended hours of sleep each night. This can lead to detrimental impacts on our health, as well as our general quality of life.

So, it is important to make sure that we get plenty of restful sleep each night. Here are just some health benefits of getting a good night’s rest:

Facilitates Memory Consolidation
During bedtime, our body gets rest but our mind stays at work, reviewing the events of the entire day, processing information and converting it into long-term memories. This process is known as memory consolidation. In other words, sleep is necessary in order for your brain to store memories which will be retrieved later.

Produces Growth Hormones
While we sleep, our bodies produce essential growth hormones. As children and youngsters, these growth hormones are used to make our bones develop and grow overall. However, as adults these growth hormones are equally as important, as they help build muscles and tone our bodies after a long work out at the gym. So, in order to make the most of your gym routine, it is vital that you get plenty if sleep.

Muscle Repair
Sleeping also aids in muscle and tissue repair in our bodies. This is because when we sleep, new molecules are constructed which facilitates the growth and restoration of tissues. It also aids in repairing sore and tired muscles after a long work out.

Improves Skin
Our skin greatly benefits from ample sleep. This is because our bodies work on collagen production while we sleep, which is essential for skin health. New skin cell and collagen production helps balance our skins elasticity, leaving it plumper, smoother, and wrinkle-free. On the other hand, a lack of sleep leads to dull, sagging skin, and can even cause premature signs of aging.

Mental Well-Being
You must have heard the saying “you’ll feel better in the morning”. This is because often times, a good night’s sleep can help in reducing stress and is imperative for our overall mental wellbeing.. Sleep deprivation leads to feelings of sluggishness, blurred memory, and a lack of concentration. It can also leave us feeling irritable, frustrated and stressed out. Proper sleeping patterns can help reduce symptoms of mental illnesses such as depression. Thus, making sure you get the right amount of sleep each night is essential for mental health.

Brain Health
Sleep is necessary for brain cell production. Grey matter in our brains is proven to be of a greater volume in those who are consistently well-rested. Furthermore, well-rested individuals have stronger cognitive abilities and more active brain performance. On the other hand, sleep deprived individuals tend to have slower cognitive functions and poor coordination. This is due to the fact that brain cells are restored, repaired and develop during periods of sleep.

So, sleeping is necessary for both physical and mental health. It is important to make sure you get proper and adequate sleep each night. If you feel like you have trouble sleeping, or feel restless and uncomfortable even after sleeping, then it is important to speak to your physician. At the same time, there are several steps you can take to ensure you get proper sleep, such as:

- Get rid of all distractions (e.g. turn of the television, mobile phone, etc.…)
- Turn off all the lights
- Have a comfortable sleeping environment, etc..

Do you get enough sleep each night? How do you feel on nights where you are not well-rested? Comment below!

Daily Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle

Thinking about whether it's smarter to exercise toward the beginning of the day or during the evening? Regardless of whether that multivitamin you pop every morning isn't that right? Or on the other hand maybe to what extent you have to exercise to begin to get results?

Things being what they are, researchers have been searching for answers to these inquiries as well.  You can utilize their responses to manage a large number of the choices you make on an everyday basis, from what you eat in the first part of the day to how regularly you wash the sheets you rest in.

Any sort of activity is a sound method to begin the day, yet the sort that will have the most advantages for your body and cerebrum is oxygen consuming activity, or cardio. Aerobic exercises such as jogging, swimming, or zumba, all increase oxygen to our bodies and thus facilitate lung and heart health. These exercises are a great way to kick off your day.

If you regularly have breakfast, there are three key fixings it ought to have: protein, fiber, and sound fats. Most  morning meals are deficient in each of the three. Rather, they're brimming with refined carbs, a kind of unfortunate starch that gets quickly transformed into sugar in our bodies. Flapjacks, bagels, biscuits, and even grain all fall into this classification. Instead, try a balanced breakfast which consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein (e.g. a bowl of yogurt, etc...)

Remaining hydrated is crucial. Our bodies are 60% water, and not getting enough can prompt cerebral pains, exhaustion, and notwithstanding indulging. All things considered, as opposed to well-known supposition, you don't really need to drink eight glasses of water each day. Instead, focus on sipping water at regular intervals throughout the day. And do not wait to feel thirsty before drinking water; keep in mind, that if you feel thirsty, then you've already started to become dehydrated.

At regular intervals, take a stare at anything 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will enable your eyes and mine to rest for a while. Especially if you spend your days in front of a screen, it is important to close your eyes for a while and move away from strong lights.

If you miss lunch, then snack on something in the afternoon so you have some energy to get through the day. Nuts and seeds are a great snack as they are high on energy, protein and anti-inflammatory properties. Fruits and vegetables are also a great snack to have throughout the day. 

Prepare your meals at home, so you follow a good healthy diet, less in fats, oil etc... When you eat at home, then you also have more control over the ingredients going into each meal, so you can switch in healthier substitutes. For example, use olive oil for cooking, prefer whole grain over white flour, and choose fresh ingredients rather than those packaged with preservatives. 

The blue light that enlightens our screens likewise packs down on the creation of melatonin, a key hormone our cerebrums use to advise our bodies to begin planning for rest. That is something you would prefer not to do around night time, particularly when you're heading to bed.

Do you have any other tips for promoting a healthy lifestyle? Please share in the comments below!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Best Bodyweight Exercises For Your Arms

Building arm muscles through bodyweight exercises

If you are trying to build arm muscles, such as biceps and triceps, then there are some great exercises that can help you develop these muscles in no time! These exercises can be performed at home or at the gym, before or after your regular workout. Make sure that you combine your workout with plenty of water, and a balanced diet that is rich in protein and fats from lean meats, as well as carbohydrates.
Try these exercises out next time you are working out your arms!

Diamond Pushups
Diamond Pushups are a great exercise for the triceps. Once you have reached failure, you can switch to a normal stance pushup (taking a 10-15 second rest) and dish out as many reps as you can till failure again. Make sure that your hands are in line with your chest and not in a lower position.

Max Chin-up Hold
This exercise really gets the blood pumping and is a great workout for the biceps and is pertinent when trying to build bigger arms on bodyweight exercises. When doing this exercise you perform a chin up and hold yourself at the top for as long as possible (till failure). When you can’t hold on any longer, come down and rest for 15 seconds. Then perform the exercise twice more.

 Tiger Bend Pushups
Personally, this is one of my favorite pushup variations. For starters it looks pretty cool, however, it’s not just about how it looks. It’s a really painful exercise but a really effective one as well. This, along with diamond pushups will make sure you’re getting the best out of your workout routine.

One Arm Bodyweight Curls
This exercise is really similar to dumbbell curls except the fact that you’re using your bodyweight and not dumbbells. This exercise solely focuses on the bicep and biceps alone and will really help in increasing muscle in the arms. You could either perform this on a pullup bar or gymnastic rings. Whichever one is more convenient and comfortable for you.

Remember not to be discouraged if you find it difficult to complete these exercises at first. Your body will slowly develop the endurance and muscles needed, and then you’ll be performing these exercises easily in no time! Keep in mind that it is a continuous process, and it is simply not possible to develop massive arm muscles overnight. So, be steadfast and consistent in performing these exercises. Good luck!

Which exercises do you practice for building arm strength? Comment below!

Easy And Refreshing Detox Smoothie Recipes

As people are becoming more and more health conscious, there has been a rising popularity for drinking fresh juices and healthy drinks. Fresh detox smoothies in particular are a great way to cleanse your body and increase your intake of fresh fruits, veggies, and even nuts or seeds as required.

Detox smoothies can provide many health benefit. Not only are they delicious and nutritious, they are also useful in aiding weight loss, give you clear and glowing skin, and give long lasting energy. Detox smoothies are packed with the vitamins and nutrients from the various fruits and vegetables that are included, so it will help you get your daily required amount of vitamins which are necessary for healthy functioning organs.

Some people choose to perform a “detox cleanse” by replacing a meal with a filling detox smoothie in order to cleanse their body and to help in losing weight. However this is not necessary, you can enjoy a detox smoothie as a snack, or even as a refreshing drink during these hot summer days. Detox smoothies are great to drink during the month of Ramadan as they are refreshing, cooling, and provide many vitamins and nutrients.

Making your own detox smoothie is simple, all it requires is three simple steps:

1.  Add ingredients to a blender
2.  Blend it up
3. Drink!

There are so many different combinations that you can try. You can always experiment by adding your favorite fruits and some sort of leafy green vegetable, such as spinach or kale. For an extra energy boost, try also including some chia seeds, flax seeds, almonds or almond milk, or yogurt. In case you are having difficulty coming up with your own smoothie combinations, we have provided some tasty smoothie recipes for you to try out:

Berries & Apple Smoothie:
 1 large apple
 1 cup strawberries (or any other berries of your choice such as blackberries, blueberries, etc..)
2 cups spinach
1 cup water (for a creamier smoothie, you can switch out the water for 1 cup of yogurt)

Strawberry & Mango Smoothie
 1 cup chopped mangoes
 1 cup strawberries
 1 cup yogurt

Pineapple & Banana Smoothie
  1 Frozen and sliced banana
 1 cup chopped pineapple
 1 chopped peach
 1 cup spinach
 1 cup yogurt

Creamy Orange Smoothie
 2 Frozen and sliced banana
 2 peeled oranges
 1/2 cup yogurt
 1 tsp vanilla
 1/4 cup chopped pineapple (optional)

TIP: Feel free to add protein to any of these smoothies by including a spoonful of chia seeds, flax seeds, almonds, peanuts or peanut butter, or protein powder of your choice!

These tasty and refreshing smoothies are sure to keep you feeling healthy and energized throughout the long summer months, so be sure to try them out!

Have you tried any detox smoothie recipe? Which one is your favorite? Comment below!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Simple Yoga Poses For Beginners

While it may seem intimidating to start practicing yoga, there is no need to fear. There are tons of beginner stretches that anyone can practice before moving on to more advanced poses. So, in the event that you are new to yoga, there are sure stances that are basic for you to adapt so you can feel good, whether you are attending your class or rehearsing alone at home.

It is difficult to limit everything down since there are more than 300 positions in the physical yoga practices, yet there are some basic stretches that anyone can try out. Some of the positions are:

Mountain Pose
Mountain Pose is the base for every single standing posture; it gives you a feeling of how to ground in to your feet and feel the earth beneath you.

The most effective method: Start remaining with your feet together. Press down through every one of the ten toes as you spread them open. Draw in your quadriceps to lift your kneecaps and lift up through the inward thighs. Attract your abs and up as you lift your chest and press the highest points of the shoulders down. Feel your shoulder bones coming towards one another and open your chest; however keep your palms confronting inwards towards the body. . Hold for 5-8 breaths.

Downward facing dog:
It is utilized in most yoga practices and yoga classes and it extends and protects the whole body.

Step by step instructions: Come on to each of the fours with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Tuck under your toes and lift your hips up off the floor as you move them up at back towards your heels. Keep your knees  twisted if your hamstrings are tight, generally attempt and fix your legs while holding your hips back. Walk your hands forward to give yourself more length in the event that you have to. Press immovably through your palms and turn the inward elbows towards one another. Burrow out the abs and continue connecting with your legs to keep the middle moving back towards the thighs. Hold for 5-8 breaths before dropping back to hands and knees to rest.

It shows us how to use our hands to balance our whole body. It is an incredible method to reinforce the abs, and figure out how to utilize the breath to enable us to remain in a difficult posture.

The most effective method: From every one of the fours, tuck under your toes and lift your body. Make your whole body straight and in parallel with your hand, pull your ribs together and inhale profoundly for 8-10 breaths

Triangle is a magnificent standing stance, it helps you stretch your waist, open up the lungs and it tones your whole body.
Step by step instructions: Start remaining with your feet one leg's-length separated. Open and stretch your arms to the sides at shoulder stature. Turn your correct foot out 90 degrees and your left toes in around 45 degrees. Draw in your quadriceps and abs as you pivot to the side over your correct leg. Spot your correct hand down on your lower leg, shin or knee and lift the other arm over to the roof.

Tree is a wonderful standing position for amateurs and it helps you balance your whole body on just one foot.
Step by step instructions: Start with your feet together and place your left foot on your left upper thigh. Press your hands together and in form of a prayer and discover a spot before you that you can hold in a watchful eye. Hold and relax for 8-10 breaths at that point switch sides. Ensure you don't lean in to the standing leg and keep your abs connected with and shoulders loose.

There are many more exercises for beginners but through these basic poses you can find a proper stance and a grip of your body so that they you can build a strong foundation for yourself to perform more difficult exercises easily.

Have you considered starting yoga? What beginner yoga poses have you practiced? Comment below!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Benefits Of Warming Up Before Exercise

Man jogging as a light warm up exercise

It is no secret that it is important to warm up before any type of physical exercise. Even professional athletes do warm up exercises before playing any game. This is because it allows your body to prepare for more advanced and intense movement. In other words, warming up prepares your heart, lungs, and muscles for the more strenuous part of your workout. 

Warming up before proceeding towards any form of exercise, whether its working out at the gym, or playing a sport such as basketball, is beneficial to your body for many reasons. Here are some:

Less Risk Of Injuries
 A light jog or jumping jacks before you begin your exercise will allow your  muscles to warm up.  Muscles that are warmed up are able to contract more forcefully and relax quicker, which reduces the risk of injuries. This is because cold muscles have slower reflexes are not able to perform as well, and this can lead to overstretching or spraining your muscles. 

Improves Blood Flow
As you perform warm up stretches, blood flow will increase to your muscles and increase your heart rate. As blood flow increases, the temperature of blood will also rise. This is beneficial as when the temperature of blood rises, the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin weakens so oxygen is more readily available to working muscles, which will improve endurance and help you keep up your performance for a sustained period of time. At the same time, the blood vessels will dilate, thus putting less stress on the heart.

Larger Range Of Motion
As your overall body temperature increases, muscle elasticity will also improve. This means that your body parts such as shoulders, knees, and spine will be able to move to their maximum potential. Cold muscles have a much smaller range of motion as the body parts remain stiff without a proper warm up. So, warming up is necessary for increasing muscle elasticity, which will enhance speed and strength, help you perform better, and prevent any injuries caused from overstretching.

Regulates Body Temperature
Starting off with warm up exercises sends signals to your body so that it knows that there will be more intense activity required. This activates a heat-dissipation mechanisms in the body, which allows your body to cool efficiently and will prevent overheating early on. As a result, warming up can allow you to perform for a longer period of time, without burning out and exhausting yourself prematurely.

Releases Endorphins
Warming up allows your body to release endorphins, which is also known as the “feel-good” hormone for its ability to improve your mood. The release of endorphins will boost your mood throughout the duration of your exercise. 

Therefore, warming up is a very important part of any exercise, and should always be the first step before moving into any intense work out or sports. 

Do you warm up before every exercise? What types of warm up activities do you prefer? Comment below!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How To Develop A Diet Plan - And Stick To It

People are usually against diet plans because diet plans are restrictive. They generally prefer to stick to simple principles of eating whole foods, staying active and eating average portions of foods. Diet is the biggest element of losing fats. You can burn about 600 calories in a work out, but you can eat that much two to three times in just one sitting by eating junk food. I would still recommend burning calories as much as you can and staying active, but for actually losing fat people need to look at their diet. Sticking to the diet plan is often difficult and most of the people fail and feel guilty. We have made this easy by sharing some ways of sticking to a diet plan.

Here are some simple tips that will help you develop a diet plan that you can actually implement for a long period of time:

1) First learn the important skills and then try to change your eating such as keep motivating yourself every day, get yourself to use great eating habits, try to resist hunger and cravings and learn to get yourself back on track instantly when you make a mistake.

2) Stay accountable to yourself by checking your weight daily. Report to other people via email, text messages, etc.. There are also many apps available that help you track your weight, otherwise you can follow the traditional method by recording it in a journal.

3) Do not look for the perfect combination of foods or the perfect diet. Allow yourself to eat your one favorite food daily but in a healthy way so that you are not fed up of your diet plan. Moderation is key; eating your favorite foods in reasonable quantities is totally normal, and being completely restrictive will only make you crave those foods more.

4) Skip snacks one day and try to prove to yourself that hunger is not an emergency. Please keep in mind that skipping meals regularly is not a sustainable method of dieting, nor is it healthy. It is better to eat meals on time, but be mindful of the portions and types of food that you are consuming. Stick to low calorie and low fat foods which still provide long-lasting energy.

5) Teach yourself the difference between hunger and craving or the desire to eat. Eventually, you just have to label what you are feeling and tolerate it without having something to eat. Try to identify the powerful distractions to divert your attention from food. The simple truth is that many times, we mistake hunger for boredom, when in reality we only resort to eating food because we want something to keep us occupied. So it is very important to determine when you are eating out of boredom, and when you are actually hungry.

These tips should help you develop a diet that you can actually stick to without feeling bound or trapped. Good luck!
Do you have any tips for maintaining a healthy diet plan? Comment below!

Mind-Body Connection: Meditation To Relax Your Mind

Meditation to relax your mind and body

Yoga and meditation have both turned out to be progressively well known in the Western world, and experts acclaim their mental and physical advantages. Research proposes that pondering and doing yoga can help relax not only your body, but also provide therapeutic benefits to your mind, as well as boost overall brain function.

Scientific Link Between Mind And Yoga
The analysts trust that the different organic upgrades accumulated from the gathered information demonstrate an improved generally speaking feeling of physical and mental prosperity.  They feature that their outcomes may point to an improved working of specific components of the focal sensory system, a more advantageous invulnerable framework, and a reinforced feeling of center and mindfulness.
In addition, the analysts recommend that there is an exciting probability that a portion of the impacts saw in the repercussions of the retreat propose that reflection and yoga could animate the hippocampus to work better.
"A fascinating conceivable connection between the impacts on BDNF and the CAR is hippocampal utilitarian respectability, since expanded BDNF levels because of physical exercise has recently been appeared to relate with hippocampal neurogenesis and likely identify with its beneficial outcomes on prosperity and wretchedness," says Dr. Cahn.

How Meditative Yoga Affects Your Mind
Simply put, when used for meditative purposes, yoga allows you to release toxins and inhale pure oxygen. It allows you to be present in the moment and just breathe as you move through each pose. As a result, it can be both a relaxing and rejuvenating experience that refreshes your mind and strengthens your brains performance.
All things considered, the researchers alert that not all these beneficial outcomes might be because of yoga and reflection. A few, they recommend, might be owed to the people's dietary practices, social collaboration, or the effect of the yoga and contemplation educators. Therefore, it is better to view meditation and yoga as components to a healthier holistic lifestyle. Meditation, when combined with regular exercise, mental clarity, a balanced diet and proper sleep schedule, will be most effective for relaxing your brain and body.

Meditative Yoga And Mindfulness
Ever see how solid, focused and glad you feel after a yoga session? It turns out it's not all in your mind. Research demonstrates that the basic demonstration of living at the time supports states of mind. By and large, we invest practically 50% of our energy preparing or mulling over the past, and remaining in the present is regularly more difficult than one might expect. Be that as it may, yoga encourages us center around the present by giving both physical and mental activities. That is the reason yoga educators regularly support reflection and living at the time amid class, as opposed to just going through the postures. Yoga's psychological perspective conveys a totally different significance to the expression "pleasuring out."

Have you ever tried therapeutic or meditative yoga? How has it helped relax your mind and body? Comment below!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Homemade Masks For Clearer Skin

We all face different problems in the quest of clear, smooth and youthful skin. For some people it might be wrinkles and for others it might be acne that seems to appear in the worst times. Thankfully, there are different natural ways to clear up your skin with only a few ingredients found in your kitchen.
Everyone gets fit have  put together different homemade face masks to solve even the worst skin problems, and help keep your skin healthy.

The best homemade face mask for clearer skin:

Oatmeal powder helps soothing your skin and has pH balancing power. While coconut oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that helps your skin remain protected and healthy. By mixing these ingredients you'll form a recipe that is amazing for clearer and acne free skin.

• 1 table spoon of Coconut oil
• 3 table spoons of oatmeal powder
• ¼ cup of warm water

Bananas are rich in minerals like potassium and contain good levels of proteins. Banana can be used as an all natural homemade face mask that keeps your skin moisturized and leaves it looking and feeling softer and healthier. Honey is rich in both enzymatic and non enzymatic antioxidants and contains vitamins and minerals.

  2 table spoons of honey
• one medium banana

Tomatoes are one of the most effective remedies for a clean and clear skin. Tomatoes are full of nutrients and are also highly effective in clarifying and healing the skin. Tomatoes are also best for shrinking of pores, helps in tightening the skin and produce natural glow on your skin. Milk is a good source of vitamins, calcium and proteins. It contains many vital nutrients which makes it a healthy option for your body as well as your skin.

• 2 teaspoons tomato juice
• 3 teaspoons buttermilk
• Cotton ball

Try these face masks out for clear, glowing and blemish-free skin!

What natural ingredients do you use for clearer skin? Comment below!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Live In The Moment: The Importance and Benefits of Mindfulness

Why be mindful? Mindfulness is the practice of being present in a particular moment and experiencing it to the fullest without any distractions. Mindfulness practices can help us maintain emotions, it decreases stress, anxiety and depression. This also helps us in focusing our attention when we get distracted. Interest in mindfulness is growing very rapidly because people are always looking to fight challenges and solve their problems and complications in life. People with stress and mental problems are turning to mindfulness.
Mindfulness improves mental health:
In the recent years therapists have turned to mindful meditation because it helps in the treatment of various diseases like depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and many more. It also improve our concentration and  also reduce deep thoughts that leads to stress and our mind gets calm.
Mindful breathing:
Breathing heals on many levels, and understanding how it performs this function is good for our mental and physical well-being. Around 70% of our toxins are released from breathing. Oxygen is very important of part of our life, we can go days without drinking or eating but we cannot survive without oxygen without a few minutes, so in other words breathing is life. Also when we are angry or stressed we take deep breaths to calm us down in that situation.
Lose weight:
Overeating is very common in people, whenever we make a routine of eating healthy or in lower quantity we find ourselves eating more because we can't resist it but with the help of mindful strategies we can get control on our eating habits. Moreover, observing mindful thinking allows us to focus on each bite of food that we take, so our body will be well aware of when we are full. This will decrease the chances of overeating, habitual eating, and eating when we are bored.
Fall asleep faster:
Imagine you come home from a very stressful day and you just want to rest and sleep but your mind won't let you do that, it won't shut off. Your body is exhausted but your mind is excessively active. Scientists have found that a small mindful intervention can help you sleep better. Taking deep, mindful breaths can help relax your entire body at nighttime, and will help you unwind before you hit the sheets. As a result, your body will be in a more calm state of mind, leading to a deeper, more relaxed sleep.
Increase focus and concentration:
Many people find themselves distracted and are unable to keep themselves focused. Controlling our focus all the time is a very unique skill a person can possess because not everyone can do it. But people who go through mindful meditation can do that they can keep themselves focused and calm all the time. Mindful thinking allows an individual to focus on the present without any distractions. By practicing mindful thinking, therefore, you will find yourself focused on the situations around you.
Mindful observation:
When people practice mindful thinking, their observation status increases, they tend to observe the smallest of details and they appreciate the simple elements of the environment in a profound way. They become more attuned to the environment and more understanding of other people’s feelings, situations, and actions.
Thus, there are many reasons to start observing mindful thinking. While it may seem like a small change, it can have a huge impact on your life. In particular, it will give you a greater sense of peace as well as provide several health benefits.
Do you ever focus on mindful thinking? How has it improved your life? Comment below!

Yoga Stretches For Improved Hip Mobility

Splits yoga pose increase your hip flexibility

Many of us are guilty of spending hours each day seated, whether at work, school, or even relaxing in front of the TV at home. Unfortunately, this means that most people use only two leg movements; backwards and forwards, which greatly restricts hip mobility and leads to a feeling of tightness or stiffness in the hips. Thankfully, the discomfort associated with hip stiffness can be overcome with some simple yoga stretches. These stretches are easily adaptable and perfect for beginners. Not to mention they are simple enough to incorporate in your daily routine, even if its only for 5-10 minutes each day.

Warm Up
Never forget the most important step of any exercise routine; the warm up! Warming up is essential to get your blood flowing and avoid pulling any muscles, which can lead to serious pain and injuries. It only takes 5 minutes to warm up, and some simple warm up exercises are:

- Light jogging or running on the spot
- Hopping/jumping in one place or jumping jacks
- Neck, arm and leg rotations

These light exercises will help loosen your muscles and prepare your body for the hip opening exercises that will follow.

Stretches for Improved Hip Mobility:

Forward Fold
The forward fold is a great stretch to start with, as it can help stretch out your spine as well as allow your hips to bend forward, which is a necessary movement for hip stiffness. To perform the forward fold, first lift your arms up and stretch as much as you can, reaching for the ceiling. As you do this, you should feel your ribs and spine lengthening. Hold this pose for a few seconds, then bend forward and reach for your toes.
Repeat this movement as many times as you feel comfortable. Once again hold this pose for as long as you can. If you are feeling intense pain, then feel free to modify the pose by slightly bending your knees.

Butterfly Pose
The butterfly pose is a personal favorite hip opener pose, which targets the inner thighs, groin, and hip flexors. In order to perform this pose, sit down, stretch your legs and then bend your knees to bring your feet together. Hold this pose for as long as you can, and if possible, try to rest your knees on the floor. Use your hands to press your feet closer together. It is important to ensure that your spine is lengthened during this time. For an advanced pose, lift your arms up and stretch forward as far as you can while keeping the edges of your feet pressed together. Hold this pose for as long as you feel comfortable.

Butterfly pose for yoga to increase hip flexibility
Butterfly Pose

Pigeon Pose
Yet another yoga pose that targets the hip flexors is pigeon pose. This stretch focuses not only on opening your hips, but also stretches the legs. To begin, bend your left knee in front of your hips (similar to butterfly pose), and slide your right leg to the back, focusing on keeping it straight and your toes pointed. Sit up straight and lengthen the spine. Hold this pose for a few seconds, then alternate the legs. For a deeper stretch, lean forward, keeping your forearms parallel and in front of the bent leg.

Low Lunge
Low lunges are great for improving hip mobility as it targets the hip flexors, quads, and groin. To enter this pose, begin in standing position and step your left leg forward, keeping your hands on either side. Try to keep your leg bent in a 90 degree position. Slide the right leg back, keeping the lower leg flat on the ground. Hold this pose for a few seconds and repeat with the other leg. For a deeper stretch, push your hips down towards the ground, focusing on keeping your spine straight.

Low lunge yoga pose for increased hip flexibility
Low Lunge

Practicing these hip opening poses on a daily basis will surely relieve any tightness or stiffness, and will eventually expand your range of motion. Remember to breathe during each pose, and do not be discouraged if you cannot stretch as deeply as you like. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect, and yoga is more fulfilling when you focus on the process, rather than the end result. With patience and dedication, you’ll gain the flexibility you desire.

What stretches do you use to relieve hip stiffness? Comment below if you have any advice, and let us know if these stretches work for you!

Good luck!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Bodyweight Exercises To Make The Most Out Of Leg Day

Leg day is one of the most important days in any workout routine, unfortunately, it is the most over looked or avoided one as well. Working out the legs through compound movements (squats etc.) not only increase testosterone levels but also helps release a growth hormone which results in more gains and greater strength. However, as stated before, without proper diet, and a proper routine, it’s unlikely you’ll see any significant changes.

1.  Close-Stance Squats
It is pretty much like an ordinary squat, except your feet are less wide apart than the usual form. This exercise hits most muscles in the lower body but it’s greatest effect is on the quads and the outer side of the thigh muscles. Remember, since you’re using body weight only you have to make this exercise as difficult and as effective as possible by increasing the ‘time under tension’. Do this by slowing down the pace of repetitions and spending a greater amount of time in the position where your muscles are under the most amount of stress.  

2. Split Jump or Jumping Lunges
Split jumps are not only a great exercise to build muscle, it is a very good exercise for cardio as well. It even improves your stability, and balance as you’ll be challenging the core and hips (they help in rotational movement) along with the glutes, quads and hamstrings. You can increase the difficulty level as you go on by attempting to jump higher or going even lower when at the bottom of the position of the exercise.

3. Pistol Squats or One-Legged Squat
One legged squats are probably one of the hardest body weight exercises out there. Not only because you have to lift most of your whole bodyweight on one leg, but also try and maintain your balance while doing so. If you’ve never done this exercise before you will need assistance at first (by holding on to something) but as you keep doing it you’ll be able to do it without help in no time. It is a really important bodyweight leg exercise and it really does help grow stronger and bigger muscles. Not to mention it also puts a great amount of toll on the core muscles. As to why it is called a ‘pistol squat’ is because your body is shaped like a pistol at the bottom of the movement.

What exercises do you use to tone and build leg muscle? Comment below!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Step In The Right Direction: Benefits Of Daily Walks!

Walking every day can have more medical advantages than overwhelming exercises. It not just encourages you to feel better, but it will enable you to look great also. Exercise does not need to be brutal and troublesome. A basic lively walk every day can incredibly improve your well-being and provide you with a healthy and refreshing lifestyle.

Benefits Of Daily Walks
Daily walking can have numerous medical advantages. It might bring down your danger of hypertension, coronary illness, and diabetes. It can reinforce your bones and muscles strength. It might also enable you to maintain a certain weight. Most commonly, walking aids pulmonary health by allowing you to breathe in fresh oxygen. It also gets your heart pumping, which will increase blood flow throughout your body and to the brain. For this reason, many researchers believe that walking improves creativity and brain performance. Walking also releases endorphins which will help lift your mood.

How To Enjoy Walking
Make walking and strolling fun by going to places you appreciate, such as to a mall or a park. Taking a walk outside will allow you to connect and enjoy the beauty of nature. However, anywhere you walk will have the same health benefits, whether indoors or outdoors. Furthermore, you can make your daily walk more enjoyable by bringing along somebody to talk with. Alternatively, you could make a playlist and hear out some of your preferred music.

How Long You Should Walk
Grown-ups need 150 minutes, or 2.5 hours, of the seven day stretch of moderate-power vigorous action to remain solid. Oxygen consuming physical movement is action that speeds up your pulse and relaxing. Lively strolling is a case of moderate-force oxygen consuming action. Strolling energetically for 30 minutes per day, 5 days seven days, will enable you to meet the objective of 150 minutes out of each week. Be that as it may, any 10-minute time of physical movement makes a difference. In the event that you can't stroll for 30 minutes on end, have a go at breaking your movement into three 10-minute strolls.

For more medical advantages and to control your weight, you may need to walk over 150 minutes every week. Go for multiplying the sum to 300 minutes every week, or around 1 hour daily on 5 days of the week. The more you walk, the more medical advantages you may pick up!

Keep in mind that while you may feel breathless and exhausted on the first few days, you will eventually build up your stamina and come to enjoy your daily walks. This will allow your breathing to regulate, and you will find yourself being able to walk for longer periods of time without tiring out. So don’t give up after the first walk, be persistent and you will find yourself looking forward to your daily walk in no time! Not only that, but you will surely feel a difference in your overall health.

Do you take regular walks? How do you motivate yourself to head out for a stroll each day? Comment below!