Providing a holistic lifestyle approach


Saturday, May 4, 2019

Yoga Stretches For Improved Hip Mobility

Splits yoga pose increase your hip flexibility

Many of us are guilty of spending hours each day seated, whether at work, school, or even relaxing in front of the TV at home. Unfortunately, this means that most people use only two leg movements; backwards and forwards, which greatly restricts hip mobility and leads to a feeling of tightness or stiffness in the hips. Thankfully, the discomfort associated with hip stiffness can be overcome with some simple yoga stretches. These stretches are easily adaptable and perfect for beginners. Not to mention they are simple enough to incorporate in your daily routine, even if its only for 5-10 minutes each day.

Warm Up
Never forget the most important step of any exercise routine; the warm up! Warming up is essential to get your blood flowing and avoid pulling any muscles, which can lead to serious pain and injuries. It only takes 5 minutes to warm up, and some simple warm up exercises are:

- Light jogging or running on the spot
- Hopping/jumping in one place or jumping jacks
- Neck, arm and leg rotations

These light exercises will help loosen your muscles and prepare your body for the hip opening exercises that will follow.

Stretches for Improved Hip Mobility:

Forward Fold
The forward fold is a great stretch to start with, as it can help stretch out your spine as well as allow your hips to bend forward, which is a necessary movement for hip stiffness. To perform the forward fold, first lift your arms up and stretch as much as you can, reaching for the ceiling. As you do this, you should feel your ribs and spine lengthening. Hold this pose for a few seconds, then bend forward and reach for your toes.
Repeat this movement as many times as you feel comfortable. Once again hold this pose for as long as you can. If you are feeling intense pain, then feel free to modify the pose by slightly bending your knees.

Butterfly Pose
The butterfly pose is a personal favorite hip opener pose, which targets the inner thighs, groin, and hip flexors. In order to perform this pose, sit down, stretch your legs and then bend your knees to bring your feet together. Hold this pose for as long as you can, and if possible, try to rest your knees on the floor. Use your hands to press your feet closer together. It is important to ensure that your spine is lengthened during this time. For an advanced pose, lift your arms up and stretch forward as far as you can while keeping the edges of your feet pressed together. Hold this pose for as long as you feel comfortable.

Butterfly pose for yoga to increase hip flexibility
Butterfly Pose

Pigeon Pose
Yet another yoga pose that targets the hip flexors is pigeon pose. This stretch focuses not only on opening your hips, but also stretches the legs. To begin, bend your left knee in front of your hips (similar to butterfly pose), and slide your right leg to the back, focusing on keeping it straight and your toes pointed. Sit up straight and lengthen the spine. Hold this pose for a few seconds, then alternate the legs. For a deeper stretch, lean forward, keeping your forearms parallel and in front of the bent leg.

Low Lunge
Low lunges are great for improving hip mobility as it targets the hip flexors, quads, and groin. To enter this pose, begin in standing position and step your left leg forward, keeping your hands on either side. Try to keep your leg bent in a 90 degree position. Slide the right leg back, keeping the lower leg flat on the ground. Hold this pose for a few seconds and repeat with the other leg. For a deeper stretch, push your hips down towards the ground, focusing on keeping your spine straight.

Low lunge yoga pose for increased hip flexibility
Low Lunge

Practicing these hip opening poses on a daily basis will surely relieve any tightness or stiffness, and will eventually expand your range of motion. Remember to breathe during each pose, and do not be discouraged if you cannot stretch as deeply as you like. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect, and yoga is more fulfilling when you focus on the process, rather than the end result. With patience and dedication, you’ll gain the flexibility you desire.

What stretches do you use to relieve hip stiffness? Comment below if you have any advice, and let us know if these stretches work for you!

Good luck!


  1. I have a lot of stiffness in my lower back and hips from sitting around all day. These stretches are so helpful

    1. These stretches will definitely help you alleviate the lower back and hip stiffness you have. Glad you found it helpful!
