Providing a holistic lifestyle approach


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Should You Include A Multivitamin Into Your Diet?

In our busy daily lives, it can be very difficult to get the daily requirement of nutrients and vitamins that are necessary for a healthy body and balanced lifestyle. While it is important to ensure we eat a balanced and nutritious diet every day, sometimes due to our hectic routines it is simply not possible to get in the full daily requirement. Thankfully, there are plenty of multivitamins available that can help to supplement our diet and fulfill the required vitamins and minerals.
Multivitamins are essentially a supplement which contain many different vitamins, minerals and nutrients within one easily digestible pill. While it is always recommended to consult with your physician before beginning to take a multivitamin, it is generally safe to take and has minimal, if any, adverse side effects.

Here are some common vitamins and minerals which are easily found in most multivitamins:

Vitamin D
While vitamin D is found in sunlight, and exposure to sunlight for 15 minutes per day should fulfill the daily requirement, the truth is that many people suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. This deficiency causes weakened bones, back and muscle pain, low immunity and fatigue. Thus, it is essential to choose a multivitamin which contains vitamin D. Moreover, vitamin D aids the absorption of calcium, a mineral which is responsible for bone health.

Vitamin B
Vitamin B contains many types, such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), and B12 (cobalamin), all of which are essentials for a healthy body. B Vitamins contain many benefits, including supporting red blood cell formation, brain function, and boosting energy levels. Vitamin B12 deficiencies can lead to anemia and nerve problems and extreme fatigue. Thus it is important to get the daily recommended amount of vitamin B. While many foods are rich in vitamin B, it is helpful to take a multivitamin including this if you’re vitamin B levels are low.

Magnesium is responsible for energy production, bone health, regulation of nerve and muscle function, and much more. Foods such as beans, tofu, spinach, nuts and pumpkin are rich in magnesium, however in order to meet the daily recommended amount, a good multivitamin can provide you the required levels of magnesium in order to maintain your health.

Zinc is another mineral which is responsible for supporting your body’s immune system, metabolism, and reduction of inflammation. A deficiency in zinc can lead to many health concerns, particularly slow wound healing, taste disorders, low appetite, and anemia. Therefore it is important to make sure you have a healthy intake of zinc. Most multivitamins contain the recommended amount of zinc, which will help maintain your overall health and strengthen your immunity.

These are just some vitamins and minerals which are found in a multivitamin. It is important to make sure that our bodies are fueled with the right amount of vitamins and nutrients in order for our organs to function regularly, to maintain energy levels, and for our overall health. Thus, if you are struggling with stress, lack of sleep, loss of energy or the inability to find balance in your life, then it is suggested that you consult your physician and begin taking a good multivitamin to overcome any deficiencies in your body. Consistent intake of a multivitamin will surely improve your health and energy levels, which will be reflected through healthier skin, stronger hair and nails, and even an improvement in your mood!

Do you take any multivitamins? Do you recommend taking multivitamins to supplement our daily diet? Comment below!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Clean Eating For Beginners: How To Start A Clean Diet

As people are becoming more health-conscious, many have switched to clean diets. However, sometimes the hardest part of clean eating is not knowing how to get started. Clean eating is making decisions to eat food that are beneficial for your body. One great way to eat clean is to plan your meals in advance so you don't always have to worry what you are going to eat next and you spend less energy focusing on your hunger, and more energy focusing on eating foods that are healthy for your mind and body.
Healthy Diet:
Eating a healthy diet does not have to be complicated, Instead of counting calories of every food you eat you should start by eating food that is as close as possible to the way nature made it. Healthy dieting consists of different food like cereals in the morning that boost your energy, fruits and vegetables, and protein sources such as fish, eggs, etc..
Natural Foods:
Many of you may have come across the term natural foods and wondered what it is and how you can add more of it in your daily life. Natural foods have gone through a minimum amount of processing and they do not contain artificial ingredients and preservatives. They help us in prevent diseases like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancer etc..
A natural food diet is based on fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds, dry fruits etc.. Eating clean means preferring to eat natural and organic foods, rather than relying on packaged foods that are high in sodium and preservatives, and low on nutritional value due to extensive processing. By eating natural foods, your body is able to obtain much more vitamins and nutrients that are necessary to be healthy.
Cooking at home:
When you eat outside food you have no idea what sort of things they put in your food whether it is healthy or not, the best way to avoid that is cooking your own food this way you'll know what's in your food and with this you can also save money and eat clean at the same time
Clean eating and cooking at home doesn’t mean sacrificing on taste. It just means you have more control over the ingredients that go into your body. You can adapt recipes of your favorite dishes in order to make it cleaner and healthier for you. For example, you can make a healthy homemade pizza at home by preferring whole wheat dough, adding plenty of fresh veggies and limiting the excess grease. This way, you can have all the foods you love without compromising on your health!
Clearer skin:
When you meet people and their skin just seem to glow this means they are eating clean, Skin response to our internal environment, when you eat unhealthy foods which causes inflammation our skin breaks out we get dark circles, we get pimples. The most effective way of getting glowing skin is to drink lots of water and add healthy fats and protein to your diet.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Natural Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin

There is nothing better than clear, fresh, youthful looking skin, regardless of what your age is. While there are plenty of products available in the market that promise clear, healthy and youthful looking skin, the truth is that often times we are unaware of the ingredients that are in these products and whether they are actually good for our skin or not. However, there are several steps that can be taken to treat skin naturally.

Avoid Hot Showers
Start of by treating your skin gently and limiting hot baths and showers. Long hot showers and baths tend to remove the naturally occurring oils from your skin, eventually drying it out and catalyzing the process of aging. Therefore, try to use lukewarm water when washing your face, and avoid staying in boiling hot showers for extended periods of time.

Skincare Routine
Second, having a 3-step skincare routine, morning and evening coupled with a nutritious diet and abundant water intake is the perfect recipe for youthful looking skin.

The 3-step routine involves the use of a cleanser, to gently remove any debris and make up from the day followed by a toner which closes the pores and further removes impurities from the skin. The last step involves the use of a moisturizer to seal everything in place and prevent the skin form drying out. A bonus addition is the use of a nutrient rich eye cream, which ensures the delicate fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area.

When choosing products, it is important to read the list of ingredients to minimize the amount of artificial and harmful ingredients that go on your skin. Stay away from products which are petroleum-based (e.g. made with mineral oil, petroleum, etc..), contain preservatives (e.g. parabens, benzyl alcohol, etc..) and synthetic fragrances.

Moreover, there are some natural ways to cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin using only natural ingredients. For example, honey is all-natural and useful as a cleanser that also provides softness and moisture for your skin. Apple cider vinegar can be used as a toner to balance out your skin, while aloe vera is an effective and hypoallergenic moisturizer for all skin types.

Skin Protection
Additionally, protecting the skin from the sun's harmful rays and radiation by using sunscreen on a regular basis can dramatically prevent the signs of aging and improve skin complexion. Also, wear sunhats as much as possible and avoid extended exposure to the sun which can lead to sunburns, redness and itching.

Adopt Healthy Habits
Adequate sleep can prevent the dull skin from occurring and help reduce those eye bags from a lack of sleep. Similarly, by exercising on a regular basis, your body gives you a mini facial that naturally opens pores and releases the bacteria and dirt out. Lastly, limiting alcohol and sugar intake is the natural way of preventing blemishes and acne from occurring in the first place.

Examine Your Skin
Another important component to add to your skin care routine is to weekly examine your skin, the texture, the tone, the complexion and if any ambiguous moles, marks or freckles appear. Skin cancer is the most treatable form of cancer and if often diagnosed by taking a note in skin changes.

Making these small changes to your skincare routine can greatly benefit your skin both in the short as well as long run. Remember that your skin is your largest organ, so it is a reflection of your internal health. Adopting healthy habits and taking care of your skin naturally will lead to a clear, glowing complexion and youthful looking skin.

Do you have any other tips for natural skin care? Comment below!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Bend Your Back, Don't Break It! - Beginner Stretches For Improved Back Flexibility

Yoga stretches to improve back flexibility and achieve a back bend

Contrary to popular belief, your spine does have the ability to move and stretch in different directions, and in fact increasing back flexibility provides many benefits, including relieving a stiff back, reducing lower back pain, and can even prevent injuries caused by a stiff and underutilized spine. While it may seem like an impossible task to bend your body like a gymnast or contortionist, it is actually very easy to achieve back flexibility.

So, if you experience frequent back pain, or if you just want to expand your range of motion, these beginner stretches can help you get that backbend in no time!

Warm Up
Before you begin stretching, always remember to warm up first! This will get your blood flowing and prep your muscles for the more intense stretches to come, thus preventing sprains and injuries. Some simple warm ups are:
-  Light jogging on the spot
- Hopping on the spot or bunny hops
- Arm and leg circles
Once your body is all warmed up, then you can move on to these yoga poses to increase your back flexibility.

Cat/Cow Pose

The cat/cow pose is a great dynamic stretch that allows you to stretch every part of the spine, including upper and lower back. To perform, start on all four on the ground, with your wrists aligned directly under your shoulders, and knees directly underneath the hips. Next, enter cow pose by inhaling as you dip your belly towards the yoga mat. Lift your chest and neck, gazing up towards the ceiling in order to help drop your belly closer towards the mat. Hold this pose for a few seconds, then exhale as you move into cat pose. For cat pose, round your spine and bring your belly towards the ceiling. Your gaze should be on the floor. This pose should look like a cat stretching out its back. Repeat this sequence a few times.

Cobra Pose
Cobra pose is a simple beginner yoga pose, that prepares the body for deeper back bending stretches. This pose is great for lengthening the spine and strengthening the shoulders and back. To perform cobra pose, start by laying down flat on your stomach and place your palms flat on the ground below your shoulders. Next push up, keeping your public bone and hips on the ground, and lifting your upper body. Keep your arms straight and your upper body lifted. Hold the pose for as long as you feel comfortable. For a deeper stretch, with each inhale, slowly bend your back further back and straighten your neck. Throughout this stretch, ensure that your legs and hips are placed firmly on the ground.

Beginner yoga stretches to improve back flexibility cobra pose
Cobra Pose

 Extended Puppy Pose
This is a great yoga stretch for those with tense shoulders and upper back. In order to enter this pose, begin on all fours with your arm aligned under your shoulders, and slowly begin to walk your arms forward. Lower your chest towards the ground, and rest your neck and chest on the ground, keeping your arms straight in front of you. Continue to inhale and exhale, making sure that your hips remain stacked above the knees. Hold this pose for as many breaths as feels comfortable, then slowly walk your arms back onto all fours.

Child’s Pose
Child’s pose is often used in yoga as a resting pose, as it helps relax the whole body while passively stretching all muscles, including the back, hips, thighs, etc.. To enter this pose, begin on all fours, and spread your thighs slightly apart while keeping your toes together. Stretch your arms up and in front of you, resting your stomach on your thighs and your forehead on the mat. Relax your mind as you feel the rest of your body relax as well. Hold this pose for as long as you feel comfortable, focusing on breathing in and out.  For a deeper stretch, bring your arms backward, alongside your thighs.

Transitioning Into Advanced Poses
After practicing these stretches continuously, you should experience greater mobility in your back and spinal cord. Once you feel comfortable, you can move into more advanced back bending yoga poses, such as backbends, one legged pigeon pose, mermaid, pose, etc.. Remember not to be discouraged if you do not see results right away. Remember that your body’s flexibility improves with each yoga session, and that it is always better to view your yoga practice by the journey, not the end result. Eventually, you will gain the flexibility that you desire, and will be back bending like a pro!

Beginner yoga stretches to improve back flexibility advanced one legged pigeon pose
One Legged Pigeon Pose

Are you interested in improving your back flexibility? Have any of these stretches helped relieve back stiffness and lower back pain? And are there any other stretches you practice to improve your back flexibility? Comment below!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Best Bodyweight Exercises for Upper Body Strength

Upper body muscles

Building strength doesn’t necessarily mean going to the gym and lifting weights, it can also be done at home. However, even this training method requires the same amount of dedication, consistency, and hard work. Having said that, it is easier to be consistent with this routine rather than having to go to the gym although, going to the gym and opting for weight training will give you relatively quicker results.  The upper body muscles include (Back, chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, and forearms). So, without further ado, let’s look at how you can increase your upper body strength at home.

Just like most other bodyweight exercises (pullups etc.) it is a compound exercise. Meaning it trains many muscles at the same time. And to increase strength, compound exercises are a must. Dips, are mainly a triceps exercise but they also force the chest and shoulders to work. It is one of the most important exercises in bodyweight training to develop muscle, and strength in the upper body.  Once you find it easy to complete 8-10 reps, you can start adding more weight to your body by filling up a bag with books and wearing it. Continuous tension is necessary to gain strength.

Wide Grip Pull-ups
Pull-ups are by far the best bodyweight exercise out there. It hits multiple muscles such as the bicep, the forearms, traps(shoulders), and the upper back. However, their greatest effect is on the lats and the biceps. Lats are the biggest muscle in the upper body and increasing their strength and training them is pertinent. And of course, it is the exercise that most helps you in getting that V-Shape. Many people confuse pull-ups and chin-ups. Remember chin-ups have an underhand grip (palms facing you), whereas, pull-ups involve overhand grip (palms facing away). 

Diamond Pushups
Diamond Pushups are a great exercise for the triceps, chest and front shoulders. It is easier to do than the dips, so you should do dips before this exercise in the whole workout. Once you have reached failure, you can switch to a normal stance pushup (taking a 10-15 second rest) and dish out as many reps as you can till failure again.

Handstand Pushups
This exercise is really difficult to do. Not only do you have to do a handstand, but you have to do a pushup while doing it as well. But don’t worry, there’s a way to be able to do it within 2-3 weeks.
Firstly, you’ll have to do a supported handstand and hold that position for as long as possible. Once you can hold for long enough, then you will do a supported handstand pushup. And eventually, you’ll be able to do with out support. Having said that, it is easier said than done, and without effort, grit, and hard work you won’t be able to achieve your goals. 

Which exercises do you use to build up upper body strength? Comment below!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Super Foods To Give You Energy All Day Long!

Food for longer lasting energy

Next time you're feeling that vitality plunge, don't reach out for some espresso or a sweet treat. Caffeine and sugar may give you an energy spike but will not give you a source of sustainable energy to keep you active all day long.  Instead, attempt these 10 super foods to help normally support your vitality and keep you ready throughout the day, raising your state of mind and making you healthy, increasingly productive, fresh and happy. These foods will give you long-lasting sources of energy.

Almonds make an incredible lift me-up bite. Ounce for ounce these are the absolute most supplement rich nuts, as indicated by an investigation in the diary Nutrients. They are stuffed loaded with Vitamin E and Magnesium and contain bunches of protein to enable you to support your energy for the duration of the day and give you a balanced diet.

Bunch of almonds

Chocolate contains caffeine and bromine, the two of which heavily affect your energy levels. It is an energy sponsor that contains caffeine and will expand your endorphins to give you a brisk lift me-up. For ideal advantages, select dark chocolate over milk chocolate, and hold your guilty pleasures to a moderate sum. With some restraint, the caffeine and sugar in chocolate won't prompt a vitality crash. When in doubt, the darker the chocolate the less sugar and the more vitality boosting potential it has.

Bars of rich dark chocolate
Dark Chocolate

Omega-3 unsaturated fats can lift your mind-set and even secure against misery. Salmon is stacked with these sorts of unsaturated fats. Salmon is an economical nourishment choice. Its lower in soaked fat than meat, salmon is a heart-sound fish. It is more extravagant in omega-3 fats, a sort of well being advancing unsaturated fat, than most other fish assortments. Like most super foods, it is wealthy in protein just as numerous nutrients and minerals basic to spend your day healthily.

Herbs can help rev up your digestion and give you a jolt of energy. For instance, peppers contain the compound capsaicin that can build your digestion and help with assimilation. A few kinds of flavors may even improve subjective capacity, as per the Medical Journal Of Australia [PDF], but herbs make sure you have a balanced diet to cope up with your day.

Popcorn is high in fiber and starches, yet is low in calories (when it's not covered in margarine). An investigation distributed in the diary nutrients positioned popcorn as one of the top vitality boosting snacks for kids.

Bunch of popcorn

Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt is a decent option in contrast to customary yogurt since it has more protein, however less lactose and sugars, which include calories. An examination distributed in the diary Appetite found that Greek yogurt could help individuals feel full longer incompletely on account of its moderate acting protein.

Blueberries are called super foods which is as it should be. They're stacked with cancer prevention agents, and studies have demonstrated they help with intellectual capacity and mental readiness, as per the USDA.

Bunch of fresh and ripe blueberries

You don't need to drink them raw like a muscle head to get top notch protein from eggs. It can be cooked in many forms, and whether you eat it as an omelet, scrambled, fried, or boiled, it is considered to be one of the most readily available source of protein and energy.

What foods give you energy all day long? Will you consider switching out your energy drink for any of these superfoods? Comment below!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

How To Build Lean Muscle

A common fitness goal for many people training at the gym is to build lean muscle; that is, to build muscle mass and tone the body without the fat. In order to build lean muscle, it is crucial to follow a strength based training routine, as well as to follow a balanced and healthy diet. Here are some more tips to help you build lean muscle effectively:

1.  Strength Training
One of the most important steps for building lean muscle is to focus on strength training, and in particular weightlifting.  Focus on weightlifting at least 2-3 times per week, focusing on all major muscle groups, including the shoulders, abdomen, chest, legs, and arms. Keep in mind that correct alignment and positioning is key to proper weightlifting and to avoiding injuries. Thus, do not start lifting weights blindly. First learn the proper technique before starting to train regularly.

2. Take Breaks on Alternate Days
It is essential to give your body a break in between strength training days. This allows your body to repair and build the muscle. Training every single day without any break can tire out and put a strain on your body, which will be counterproductive in training for a fit and healthy lean body.

3.  Push Your Limits
Real progress is made when you push your body past it’s limits when working out. This means that you should keep lifting weights until you find it difficult to make it past the last few reps. Doing too few reps will not allow your body to build muscle. However, it is important to keep in mind that there is a difference between an intense workout and a painful workout. While intensity is good for building lean muscle, if you feel extreme pain when working out then you should not continue. Pushing past your limits when experiencing pain can lead to serious injuries.

4. Stay Hydrated
When doing any type of training, it is essential to drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will give your body the energy it needs to build muscles, and will reduce excess exhaustion and fatigue faced post-workout. As you train, you are likely to sweat and so it is necessary to replenish your body by drinking enough water.

5. Follow A Healthy Diet
A healthy and well-balanced diet is another important step when aiming to build lean muscle. Make sure to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as slow-digesting whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and rolled oats which will give you a supply of energy throughout the day. Furthermore, in order to build lean muscle, it is crucial to get enough protein in your diet. Foods with a high source of protein include eggs, poultry, lean beef, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.. A high protein diet will help build lean muscle in no time.

How do you work on building lean muscle? Are there any specific exercises you follow? Comment below!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

How To Develop A Gym Routine - And Stick To It!

Many people ask each other what they should do for a workout and which exercises they should follow. Every person has different wants, for example some want to lose weight whereas some would like to do muscle training. Generally, an effective workout plan is related to each specific person, and it is  developed around the person's age, goals, etc.. It is easy to over complicate the process when there is so much conflicting advice, ranging from how many reps to start with, how much time to spend on each exercise, and more. Healthy training is not about working out for hours in a day to get results; in fact working out 2 to 3 hours a week can also produce effective results.
Imagine you just walked into a gym and saw a bunch of people doing different exercises and you have no idea about what you are going to do, how much weight you should start, how many reps you should do, etc.. This lack of knowledge is the reason why most people don't get effective results.
So it is important to develop a gym routine for yourself, rather than walking into the gym blindly. Developing a comprehensive routine will give you more clarity about your goals, and will therefore lead to more effective results. Here are some tips for developing your gym routine:
1.  Do your research and set realistic goals. The more informed and clear you are about your training session, the better you will perform, and this will lead to greater satisfaction.
2. Whenever you walk into the gym, have a plan about which muscle you are going to train and which exercises to follow in order to avoid wastage of time.
3. If you are into songs make a playlist in advance to keep yourself focused.
4.  Turn your phone off to avoid unnecessary distractions.
5. Always start with warm up exercises to get your blood flowing and your muscles to open up before starting to train. This will reduce the risk of any injuries.
6.  Avoid taking lots of rest between sets
7.  Train two muscles in a single day to be more effective.
Most people follow different routines for their work out over the week. It is advisable to start your workout plans from Monday in order to be more motivated. If you are a beginner and want to train one muscle a day then you can consult the following routine as a guideline:
Monday: Chest Day
Tuesday: Back day
Wednesday: Shoulder day
Thursday: Arms day (biceps & triceps)
Friday: Leg day
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Abs and Cardio
Keep in mind is that on your rest day, don't waste the whole day without exercising. Do light exercises such as push ups, or even a brief walk.
People are lazy and often can't find the proper motivation to go to gym. For example, they come from a long day of work feeling tired and cannot bring themselves to go to gym. That is why it is important to find things which motivate you to go to gym. For example:
1. Find a gym buddy. This way, if one of you is feeling lazy then the other person can drag you to the gym. Not only that, but having a gym buddy makes your work out more enjoyable.
2. Join a gym which meets your specifications. This includes finding a gym that has the machinery and equipment you require, and which is also close to your home so that it is easy to go there at your convenience.
3. You should track your progress every week so that you can see whether you are making progress or not. If you are then this will be a good motivator for you.
Exercise is very important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, so finding a motivator for yourself is extremely essential.
Daily Life:
Many people find it hard to stick to a gym routine because of their busy lifestyle. However, if you are committed to your training session, then you must prioritize and find time in your daily schedule to go the gym. You can make exercise a part of your life in many ways. Here are some suggestions:
  1. If you work and feel demotivated by time you get home, the best solution is to keep some spare gym clothes at your workplace so you can go directly to the gym.
  2. Turn little things into a workout like when you are watching TV you can start doing leg raises or any form of exercise.
  3. Stretch out during the day. There are even some exercises which can be done sitting in your office desk or classroom that can be incorporated in your daily routine.

Have you developed an effective gym routine that works for you? How do you motivate yourself to stick with the routine? Comment below!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Benefits Of Drinking Water

It is no secret that drinking water is a necessary part of staying alive and healthy. Water is commonly and easily available everywhere. Yet often times we take it for granted and overlook the necessity and benefits of drinking enough water daily, when in fact drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to start your day with drinking a glass of water, and to continue drinking approximately 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day.

We have listed below just some of the many powerful health benefits of drinking water, to motivate you to boost your water intake and experience a healthier lifestyle.

1. Maintenance Of Energy Levels
If you often find yourself feeling fatigued and sluggish, chances are that you might be dehydrated! Drinking plenty of water will allow your brain to function better, and will also provide nourishment to your body. As a result, you’ll feel energized all day long. So you can say goodbye to tiredness and energy drinks, and instead reach for a fresh glass of water.

2. Clean and Clear Skin
Drinking water flushes toxins from the body, and hence improves the complexion. In other words, water is the best skin care product as it leaves you with fresh and radiant skin. It also removes dryness and can cure skin problems like acne, pigmentation, scars, flakiness, etc.. As it gives moisture to the body, drinking plenty of water can also help prevent signs of aging and wrinkles.

3.  Aids Weight Loss
Drinking water has been scientifically proven to facilitate weight loss, as drinking one or two glasses before a meal can suppress your appetite. Moreover, often times we mistake dehydration or boredom for hunger. By drinking an ample amount of water each day, it will help reduce unwanted food cravings, which is also helpful for weight loss.

If these reasons aren’t enough to motivate you to increase your daily water intake, then consider some of these other benefits of drinking water:

 Maintains balance of bodily fluids
- Regulates the function of organs such as kidneys, liver, colon, etc..
- Boosts immune system by improving cell function
- Reduces joint pain caused by dehydration

Clearly, water is imperative for maintaining a healthy mind and body. Incorporating more drinking water into your daily routine will surely have a positive impact on your life.

How much water do you usually drink in a day? Have you experienced any major benefits since increasing your daily water intake? Comment below!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Take The Stairs - Not The Stares!

We all can relate to that dreaded feeling that overcomes us when we see a long flight of stairs, with no elevator or escalator in sight. The journey up the stairs seems like a never-ending journey to reach our final destination. But the most embarrassing part happens when we finally reach the top, winded and breathless like we just ran a country-wide marathon. The huffing and puffing can attract a lot of weird looks from people passing by, understandably. It’s definitely not a pretty look.

Living a consciously healthy lifestyles means making small changes in our daily routine in order to improve our quality of life and maintain a healthy body. One small change that can be made at any time is to start taking the stairs. Not only will this provide plenty of health benefits, but it will also avoid the judgmental stares received each time you become a winded, breathless mess.

Here are some benefits of climbing stairs, rather than taking the elevator that is sure to motivate you to start climbing!

1. Burns Calories
Did you know that climbing flights of stairs can burn more calories than taking a run? That’s because the movement needed to take each step engages all the muscles in the legs and requires more energy, as you need to pull yourself up against gravity.

2. Great Cardio Exercise
You don’t need to run to the gym and hop on to the treadmill in order to get your cardio work out in; stair climbing is a cost-effective, and easy form of cardio exercise! It is a foolproof way to get your heart pumping, and when regularly incorporated into your daily routine, it will help get your breath steady and in control. This even makes it a great exercise for lung health.

3.  Tones Your Body
As if you needed any more reasons to ditch the elevator, taking the stairs can also help tone your whole body, particularly your calves, thighs, glutes, and even your core! As it engages all your muscles, it will help firm up and tone your body. So, feel free to skip leg day at the gym and walk up a couple flights of stairs instead to get ready for that perfect summer body!

4. Helps Prevent Diseases
Climbing stairs is a great way to burn calories and facilitate heart and lung health. As a result, it is effective prevention from various diseases, including high blood pressure, coronary disease, risks of cardiac arrest, and pulmonary diseases, just to name a few.

Clearly, opting to take the stairs rather than the elevator can help promote overall health and is a great form of exercise. While it may seem like an extremely difficult and painful task at first, eventually you will feel a difference in your breathing and heart rate, and reap the many benefits of this simple yet effective exercise! Your body will surely thank you for this healthy lifestyle change.

How often do you use the stairs? Are you left breathless and drained after climbing a single flight? Comment below!