Providing a holistic lifestyle approach


Sunday, April 28, 2019

Clean Eating For Beginners: How To Start A Clean Diet

As people are becoming more health-conscious, many have switched to clean diets. However, sometimes the hardest part of clean eating is not knowing how to get started. Clean eating is making decisions to eat food that are beneficial for your body. One great way to eat clean is to plan your meals in advance so you don't always have to worry what you are going to eat next and you spend less energy focusing on your hunger, and more energy focusing on eating foods that are healthy for your mind and body.
Healthy Diet:
Eating a healthy diet does not have to be complicated, Instead of counting calories of every food you eat you should start by eating food that is as close as possible to the way nature made it. Healthy dieting consists of different food like cereals in the morning that boost your energy, fruits and vegetables, and protein sources such as fish, eggs, etc..
Natural Foods:
Many of you may have come across the term natural foods and wondered what it is and how you can add more of it in your daily life. Natural foods have gone through a minimum amount of processing and they do not contain artificial ingredients and preservatives. They help us in prevent diseases like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancer etc..
A natural food diet is based on fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds, dry fruits etc.. Eating clean means preferring to eat natural and organic foods, rather than relying on packaged foods that are high in sodium and preservatives, and low on nutritional value due to extensive processing. By eating natural foods, your body is able to obtain much more vitamins and nutrients that are necessary to be healthy.
Cooking at home:
When you eat outside food you have no idea what sort of things they put in your food whether it is healthy or not, the best way to avoid that is cooking your own food this way you'll know what's in your food and with this you can also save money and eat clean at the same time
Clean eating and cooking at home doesn’t mean sacrificing on taste. It just means you have more control over the ingredients that go into your body. You can adapt recipes of your favorite dishes in order to make it cleaner and healthier for you. For example, you can make a healthy homemade pizza at home by preferring whole wheat dough, adding plenty of fresh veggies and limiting the excess grease. This way, you can have all the foods you love without compromising on your health!
Clearer skin:
When you meet people and their skin just seem to glow this means they are eating clean, Skin response to our internal environment, when you eat unhealthy foods which causes inflammation our skin breaks out we get dark circles, we get pimples. The most effective way of getting glowing skin is to drink lots of water and add healthy fats and protein to your diet.