Providing a holistic lifestyle approach


Monday, April 22, 2019

Bend Your Back, Don't Break It! - Beginner Stretches For Improved Back Flexibility

Yoga stretches to improve back flexibility and achieve a back bend

Contrary to popular belief, your spine does have the ability to move and stretch in different directions, and in fact increasing back flexibility provides many benefits, including relieving a stiff back, reducing lower back pain, and can even prevent injuries caused by a stiff and underutilized spine. While it may seem like an impossible task to bend your body like a gymnast or contortionist, it is actually very easy to achieve back flexibility.

So, if you experience frequent back pain, or if you just want to expand your range of motion, these beginner stretches can help you get that backbend in no time!

Warm Up
Before you begin stretching, always remember to warm up first! This will get your blood flowing and prep your muscles for the more intense stretches to come, thus preventing sprains and injuries. Some simple warm ups are:
-  Light jogging on the spot
- Hopping on the spot or bunny hops
- Arm and leg circles
Once your body is all warmed up, then you can move on to these yoga poses to increase your back flexibility.

Cat/Cow Pose

The cat/cow pose is a great dynamic stretch that allows you to stretch every part of the spine, including upper and lower back. To perform, start on all four on the ground, with your wrists aligned directly under your shoulders, and knees directly underneath the hips. Next, enter cow pose by inhaling as you dip your belly towards the yoga mat. Lift your chest and neck, gazing up towards the ceiling in order to help drop your belly closer towards the mat. Hold this pose for a few seconds, then exhale as you move into cat pose. For cat pose, round your spine and bring your belly towards the ceiling. Your gaze should be on the floor. This pose should look like a cat stretching out its back. Repeat this sequence a few times.

Cobra Pose
Cobra pose is a simple beginner yoga pose, that prepares the body for deeper back bending stretches. This pose is great for lengthening the spine and strengthening the shoulders and back. To perform cobra pose, start by laying down flat on your stomach and place your palms flat on the ground below your shoulders. Next push up, keeping your public bone and hips on the ground, and lifting your upper body. Keep your arms straight and your upper body lifted. Hold the pose for as long as you feel comfortable. For a deeper stretch, with each inhale, slowly bend your back further back and straighten your neck. Throughout this stretch, ensure that your legs and hips are placed firmly on the ground.

Beginner yoga stretches to improve back flexibility cobra pose
Cobra Pose

 Extended Puppy Pose
This is a great yoga stretch for those with tense shoulders and upper back. In order to enter this pose, begin on all fours with your arm aligned under your shoulders, and slowly begin to walk your arms forward. Lower your chest towards the ground, and rest your neck and chest on the ground, keeping your arms straight in front of you. Continue to inhale and exhale, making sure that your hips remain stacked above the knees. Hold this pose for as many breaths as feels comfortable, then slowly walk your arms back onto all fours.

Child’s Pose
Child’s pose is often used in yoga as a resting pose, as it helps relax the whole body while passively stretching all muscles, including the back, hips, thighs, etc.. To enter this pose, begin on all fours, and spread your thighs slightly apart while keeping your toes together. Stretch your arms up and in front of you, resting your stomach on your thighs and your forehead on the mat. Relax your mind as you feel the rest of your body relax as well. Hold this pose for as long as you feel comfortable, focusing on breathing in and out.  For a deeper stretch, bring your arms backward, alongside your thighs.

Transitioning Into Advanced Poses
After practicing these stretches continuously, you should experience greater mobility in your back and spinal cord. Once you feel comfortable, you can move into more advanced back bending yoga poses, such as backbends, one legged pigeon pose, mermaid, pose, etc.. Remember not to be discouraged if you do not see results right away. Remember that your body’s flexibility improves with each yoga session, and that it is always better to view your yoga practice by the journey, not the end result. Eventually, you will gain the flexibility that you desire, and will be back bending like a pro!

Beginner yoga stretches to improve back flexibility advanced one legged pigeon pose
One Legged Pigeon Pose

Are you interested in improving your back flexibility? Have any of these stretches helped relieve back stiffness and lower back pain? And are there any other stretches you practice to improve your back flexibility? Comment below!


  1. Damn, this is such a good article. Made me wanna do yoga too

    1. So what are you waiting for? There's no wrong time to start doing yoga. I'm glad we motivated you!

  2. Been having back trouble for quite a while
    Will follow through
    Could you also write down an article for shoulders?

    1. These stretches should help relieve some of those back troubles! Thank you for the suggestion, we will definitely work on an article for shoulder stiffness. Stay tuned!

  3. To the point.
    Everything is greatly and briefly described.

    1. Glad you enjoyed! Stay tuned for more articles like this one!

  4. Replies
    1. Glad you found it helpful! Stay tuned for more!

  5. Will definitely be trying these stretches
